Sunday, 19 February 2012

Big Brother State: Government to Track Your Emails, Phone Calls and Texts

Britain may be taking another step towards the world described in George Orwell’s novel, 1984. We are the most watched nation in the world, and yet that still isn't enough for the ruling elite. They now wish to monitor what you get up to online.

The telegraph reported that the government want to exert more control over the public by storing the details of the British people's communications including every phone call, text message and email. It has been reported that the government will order phone companies and broadband providers to record the details of communications by their users.

The governments new spy plans will target Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites.

This plan to spy on the public has so many flaws, and is a direct danger to our civil liberties. The information that this scheme will gather will be of a very big interest to hackers, and since British governments have a very poor record of keeping confidential information secure, the risk here, is that the information could fall into the wrong hands. Also, information of what websites you visit could quite possibly to exploited for commercial gain.

Under the totalitarian scheme to track and watch the public, the security services will have unlimited access and “real time” access to phone and internet records of anyone they wish to put under surveillance. In short, the surveillance will track “who, when and where” of each message, allowing extremely close surveillance.

What possible reasons do they have to watch over us so closely? Well the usual lies of “combating terrorism” is spilled out again and again. However, in my opinion, this is just another law hidden under the veil of terrorism; but this will not combat terrorism, or any other crime for that matter. Any criminal who wants to use the internet without being spied on, can and already are doing so. So if that’s their reasoning behind this, then its completely obsolete. Yet, with that in mind, anyopne who opposes this are hit with criticism as ridicules as- “you must support terrorism” or “you are pro-paedophile”. I am sorry, but if you think that this will have a significant effect on crime prevention, then you are behind the times.

The government are acting like that of a communist state, reminiscent of Soviet Russia. The Big Brother state is creeping ever close, and we have to stop the destruction of our Civil Liberties.



nig ger said...

many other countries in the eu have already implimented this. you have to show 2 forms of id before you can buy a phone or sim card, even prepay.
there is no terrorist threat and has not been any since the irish toddled off to get pissed. the imigrants only want 2 things: our money and women. a look at history shows that ethnic takeovers are based on impregnating locals to provide a generation of halfbreeds who are sympathetic to their fathers agendas. thats why blacks are always seen with the fat ugly council scrounging white women. they dont care but to spit out coffee coloured kids all over the estates. its a sly and dirty war, without the dignity of uniform and arms.
britain is now country where pure white race is in the minority, the deed is done. unless the ice caps melt and the great flood comes, englistan is won. i for one deserted the stinking ship long ago. theres no point in leaving the eu because the same happened there. the french are all black, the germans are all turkish, and everywhere else is full of gypsies (tribes of pakistan long banished for their extreme filth and thieving) so may as well let the colours unite, and keep the rain and the fat white whores who spawn more blacks than come in through our borders. i hope some ebola plague kills off africa so us remaining celts, angles, and picts can have our own country again just as the jews got given israel. in a few years africa would have railways, roads, schools and hospitals and enough solar farms so we dont need to buy oil off the arabs or those halfbreed/inbred americans. meanwhile, if you worry about phones you need to get a stockpile of old cb radios. learn to text using psk, form networks with pmr466 walkie talkies, and get your communications secure. screw mobile phones and emails. these systems are just another mechanism for the yanks to get your data and the chinese to get your cash. wise up whiteys, let this virus consume itself while we watch and laugh.

nig ger said...

like whatever bru