As many of you may have noticed, the EU dictates what the UK can and cannot do. For instance, we have been told we cannot deport anti-British Islamic terrorists from our shores because of their Human “Rights”. This is but one example of how British sovereignty has been lost, and how we no longer have control of our own affairs.
Those on the left and the MP's in parliament are always quick to applaud democratic self-determination in emerging nations, which makes me laugh: since, when we express a desire for Britain to be self-dependant and determine its own destiny, we are ridiculed and condemned as Xenophobes. We are told that “the advantages of EU membership far outweigh those of an independent Britain.” But, let me put this question to you folks: Does Britain actually benefit from EU membership?

During the last ten years, there has not been one respectable analysis that has concluded that the UK derives any net economic benefit from its EU membership. In fact, our membership is costing us £140 billion a year, or maybe more. Despite constant requests from EU sceptics, including us in the NF, the mainstream Political Parties have all point blank refused to carry out a “Cost and Benefit” analysis of Britain's EU membership. This is almost certainly because they know exactly what the results will be, and it will not be in their favour.
The fact is this: A country does not have to belong to the single market to export to the single market. Mind boggling right? The way the EU fanatics talk, it was necessary to be a member, because otherwise we would be losing out. But, nope, they have duped us. USA and China-both of which are not EU members- each sell more to the EU than the UK does, without paying a single penny to Brussels or having to impose any of the extremely restrictive EU regulations on their domestic economies. Closer to our shores we see two more examples. Norway and Switzerland are not EU members, and both export more to the EU in relation to their GDP's and populations than the UK does.
In fact, any nation in the whole entire world can trade with the EU without being a member!!
The EU fanatics love spilling the line that; the Single Market makes it easier to import and export goods.
However, this is not what the facts and figures tell us. Since the turn of the century, British exports to the world outside of the EU has grown 37 per cent faster than exports to the EU. Today, 60 per cent of British exports go outside the EU and only 40 per cent go inside the EU.
As the National Front have been saying for years, British imports and exports are in no way benefited by EU membership, and figures in fact point out that we are actually being harmed economically by our EU membership.
Lets look into this a little further, so you can have a clearer picture.
10 per cent of all British Economic output, is exporting to the EU. The remaining 90 per cent of British economic activity includes trading within the UK and outside the EU. Even though this 90 per cent has nothing to do with the EU or the single market, it still has to comply with a whole body of expensive single market regulations, which have very damaging effects.
The UK has a massive structural trade deficit with the EU. What I mean by this is basically, We buy more off them then they buy of us. In the five years from 2005 to 2010 for example, our accumulated trade deficit with the EU amounted to an eye-watering £143 Billion. In contrast to this, UK trade with the rest of the world was pretty much in balance.
Another consequence of our membership, resulting from the trade deficit, we have lost roughly 2 million British jobs to Germany, France and other EU nations- jobs which, if it were not for our membership, would of remained in the UK.
So as you can see Britain is the looser here. The benefits of EU membership are so outweighed by the negative aspects its unreal- and I have only touched on a few here. The important thing to remember is, if Britain was to withdraw from the EU, we shall continue trading with the EU and vice versa. The difference being, we would be free to trade without restrictive and expensived regulations. We would not have to pay a penny to the EU, and we would not be loosing £140 Billion every year into the European Unions economic black hole.
The National Front has long campaigned to bring the UK out of the EU. The benefits to be independent and self-reliant are countless.
Support and Vote NF and lets LEAVE THE EU!!!
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