We are told by the Coalition- who sit in their luxury Mercedes cars with no financial worries- that we must suffer through the dire cuts to our public services to tackle this debt. They throw all the blame at the Labour Party (who are also to blame), like school children who are not mature enough to accept responsibility for their own actions.
While many of the financial ills we face was passed on to the Coalition government from the previous incompetent government; but what have they actually done to revive the economy? Well, apart from spending over £9.1 billion on foreign aid, planning on sending £10 billion to the IMF, and using our army, who are under-equipped and stretched to their limits, in costly wars that have nothing to do with our interests; they have done nothing.
The truth is folks, we can not carry on down this path. We need to take a new direction. All the old gang parties follow the failed policy of economic liberalism, which pushes us further and further into debt slavery, as bankers and corrupt politicians cash in on our misery.

A National Front government would stop the nonsense of economic liberalism. We will introduce a Government National Reconstruction bank, which will reform the current financial system and will ensure that the issuing money is the duty solely of the government, and not greedy banksters.
Only the National Front's policy of Economic Nationalism, combining both the protection of British industry and monetary reform, will truly deal with Britain's financial woes.
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