A report has revealed that the government are paying too many bonuses for “routine performances” at a time when we face a dire recession which is only getting worse and ministers are sacking staff and freezing pay in the public sector.
The Independent report said “The issue is likely become a key political skirmishing ground amid claims that that senior figures in the public and private sector are creating a “bonus culture” for themselves, while their workers make do with modest sums or no bonus at all”
The revelations about the bonus culture that is rife within the government, came after it emerged that Ed Lester, the head of the Student Loans Company, has benefited from a “tax-efficient” arrangement he has paid through a private firm.
Here at the National Front we find it disgraceful that these greedy fat cats, who have played a massive part in destroying our nation, should be taking home bonuses they in no way deserve, while the British public suffer on low wages.
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