Tuesday, 28 February 2012

How Britain Loses Out With EU Membership- The Facts

As many of you may have noticed, the EU dictates what the UK can and cannot do. For instance, we have been told we cannot deport anti-British Islamic terrorists from our shores because of their Human “Rights”. This is but one example of how British sovereignty has been lost, and how we no longer have control of our own affairs.

Those on the left and the MP's in parliament are always quick to applaud democratic self-determination in emerging nations, which makes me laugh: since, when we express a desire for Britain to be self-dependant and determine its own destiny, we are ridiculed and condemned as Xenophobes. We are told that “the advantages of EU membership far outweigh those of an independent Britain.” But, let me put this question to you folks: Does Britain actually benefit from EU membership?


Back in 1973, a cost and benefit analysis predicted negative economic consequences for Britain joining the Common Market. Since day one, the National Front have warned of these economic disadvantages, but the mainstream politicians steam-rolled Britain into one hell of an economic mess.

During the last ten years, there has not been one respectable analysis that has concluded that the UK derives any net economic benefit from its EU membership. In fact, our membership is costing us £140 billion a year, or maybe more. Despite constant requests from EU sceptics, including us in the NF, the mainstream Political Parties have all point blank refused to carry out a “Cost and Benefit” analysis of Britain's EU membership. This is almost certainly because they know exactly what the results will be, and it will not be in their favour.


We are told regularly that membership of the Single Market is vital for British trade, that without it Britain would be sunk. We have all heard the same old tired lines about how, if it was not for our membership to the EU, we would now be in a deeper recession. However, the politicians and media personalities must not be looking at the facts, since the facts point out the direct opposite.

The fact is this: A country does not have to belong to the single market to export to the single market. Mind boggling right? The way the EU fanatics talk, it was necessary to be a member, because otherwise we would be losing out. But, nope, they have duped us. USA and China-both of which are not EU members- each sell more to the EU than the UK does, without paying a single penny to Brussels or having to impose any of the extremely restrictive EU regulations on their domestic economies. Closer to our shores we see two more examples. Norway and Switzerland are not EU members, and both export more to the EU in relation to their GDP's and populations than the UK does.

In fact, any nation in the whole entire world can trade with the EU without being a member!!

The EU fanatics love spilling the line that; the Single Market makes it easier to import and export goods.

However, this is not what the facts and figures tell us. Since the turn of the century, British exports to the world outside of the EU has grown 37 per cent faster than exports to the EU. Today, 60 per cent of British exports go outside the EU and only 40 per cent go inside the EU.

As the National Front have been saying for years, British imports and exports are in no way benefited by EU membership, and figures in fact point out that we are actually being harmed economically by our EU membership.

Lets look into this a little further, so you can have a clearer picture.

10 per cent of all British Economic output, is exporting to the EU. The remaining 90 per cent of British economic activity includes trading within the UK and outside the EU. Even though this 90 per cent has nothing to do with the EU or the single market, it still has to comply with a whole body of expensive single market regulations, which have very damaging effects.

The UK has a massive structural trade deficit with the EU. What I mean by this is basically, We buy more off them then they buy of us. In the five years from 2005 to 2010 for example, our accumulated trade deficit with the EU amounted to an eye-watering £143 Billion. In contrast to this, UK trade with the rest of the world was pretty much in balance.

Another consequence of our membership, resulting from the trade deficit, we have lost roughly 2 million British jobs to Germany, France and other EU nations- jobs which, if it were not for our membership, would of remained in the UK.

So as you can see Britain is the looser here. The benefits of EU membership are so outweighed by the negative aspects its unreal- and I have only touched on a few here. The important thing to remember is, if Britain was to withdraw from the EU, we shall continue trading with the EU and vice versa. The difference being, we would be free to trade without restrictive and expensived regulations. We would not have to pay a penny to the EU, and we would not be loosing £140 Billion every year into the European Unions economic black hole.

The National Front has long campaigned to bring the UK out of the EU. The benefits to be independent and self-reliant are countless.

Support and Vote NF and lets LEAVE THE EU!!!  

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Big Brother State: Government to Track Your Emails, Phone Calls and Texts

Britain may be taking another step towards the world described in George Orwell’s novel, 1984. We are the most watched nation in the world, and yet that still isn't enough for the ruling elite. They now wish to monitor what you get up to online.

The telegraph reported that the government want to exert more control over the public by storing the details of the British people's communications including every phone call, text message and email. It has been reported that the government will order phone companies and broadband providers to record the details of communications by their users.

The governments new spy plans will target Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites.

This plan to spy on the public has so many flaws, and is a direct danger to our civil liberties. The information that this scheme will gather will be of a very big interest to hackers, and since British governments have a very poor record of keeping confidential information secure, the risk here, is that the information could fall into the wrong hands. Also, information of what websites you visit could quite possibly to exploited for commercial gain.

Under the totalitarian scheme to track and watch the public, the security services will have unlimited access and “real time” access to phone and internet records of anyone they wish to put under surveillance. In short, the surveillance will track “who, when and where” of each message, allowing extremely close surveillance.

What possible reasons do they have to watch over us so closely? Well the usual lies of “combating terrorism” is spilled out again and again. However, in my opinion, this is just another law hidden under the veil of terrorism; but this will not combat terrorism, or any other crime for that matter. Any criminal who wants to use the internet without being spied on, can and already are doing so. So if that’s their reasoning behind this, then its completely obsolete. Yet, with that in mind, anyopne who opposes this are hit with criticism as ridicules as- “you must support terrorism” or “you are pro-paedophile”. I am sorry, but if you think that this will have a significant effect on crime prevention, then you are behind the times.

The government are acting like that of a communist state, reminiscent of Soviet Russia. The Big Brother state is creeping ever close, and we have to stop the destruction of our Civil Liberties.


Sunday, 12 February 2012


As you can see from the video below, the terrible racist crimes against white people in South Africa, are of unimaginable cruelty. But the most sickening aspect in all of this, is how the Western Politicians have remained silent, the media do not speak a word, and the average Joe continues being ignorant to the plight of the victimised whites in South Africa.

They face genocide- the organisation Genocide Watch at stage 5 on the at risk chart. Up to 90 white people are attacked every day. They are murdered, tortured, women and children are raped; and yet the Western political elite remain silent.

We at the National Front want to see an end to this. STOP THE BOER GENOCIDE NOW!!!

The Truth about Multiculturalism

In our liberal, morally defunct society, a day doesn’t go by without those in power declaring that Britain is a better, happier nation with a hotchpotch of cultures living under one roof. If it isn’t a politician it’s a news reporter, newspaper, school teacher indoctrinating our children with their Zionist approved communistic agenda.

But have you ever asked yourself… What is multiculturalism and why are our supposed leaders so hell bent on forcing it upon us?

The fact is multiculturalism is a deliberate policy to build, maintain and support foreign cultures to the direct detriment of the British identity, culture and our very way of life. The traitors in parliament are deliberately allowing alien cultures to flourish within Britain which is destroying any sense of community. Large sums of money are given to ethnic organisations which allows them to service and perpetrate their alien cultures. In our schools, non-British children are encouraged to identify with their heritage while White, British children are made to feel guilty for merely being born white. A prime example of British culture being pushed-out to make way for foreign and alien customs comes to us from Greenwood Junior School, Sneinton, Nottingham. Because of political-correctness the three day Islamic festival Eid al-Adha, which takes place between December 8th and 11th took precedent over the Christmas Nativity play, and other Christmas traditions which were all cancelled.

Britain, in a sense has become a breeding ground for “micro- nations”, each with their own unique political and cultural agendas. This has lead to Britons having to suffer many little Chinas, little Asia’s, little Africa’s, all of which are set out to preserve their own national, cultural and ethnic peculiarities (including “lovely” foods and dances, and also barbaric customs, including some very strong ethnic hatreds.) It is very easy to see the deep divide between these communities, but also between them and us Britons.

Through the idiotic policy of mass immigration and multiculturalism ethnic conclaves develop, and such ethnic ghettos provide the perfect environment for ethnic gangs that prey on their own communities and also darken our door steps; another down side to such non-white ghettos is that it gives them perfect basis for politically motivated violence. The future of multicultural Britain is a bleak one, where events like the riots in London in August will become common place.

In the cold light of day, multiculturalism can justly be regarded as a security threat, since, at some point the interests of Britain will clash with those of other nations, whether in the area of trade, politics or even in the danger of war, our unwanted guests will have to choose where their allegiance lies, and we Britons will be the losers.

Let’s put this in simpler terms. Because of the idiotic thinking of Liberal Internationalists, the British identity will be destroyed. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not putting this down to some world-wide conspiracy of some unseen elite who purposely bringing about the destruction of traditional Britain, however, this disastrous outcome is the inevitable conclusion of the thought-process of these liberal-Internationalists, whose actions WILL cause inconceivable amount of devastation, but because these “trendies” should know the result of their insane actions the destruction of Britain can be considered deliberate.

Our identity is being undermined, especially in our educational institutions, where our people our being taught that being British and having pride in your racial heritage is somehow racist, and this can only have adverse affects on the future of our people. Now, if this attack on Britain was being perpetrated by individual “lefties” and Internationalists then we wouldn’t have anything to worry about, unfortunately this is not how these people work. They lobby and push their ideas through academia, the media and the political machines; their ideas are then shoved into official acceptance until they become official policy; once the official policy stage is reached, these people go into overdrive; Official policy becomes their rationale for them to force their ideas on the community; the public service is then retrained and restructured to accommodate this new ideology; a new “public service” is created to build, promote and propagate their new set of ideas, spreading into the public sector, as well into the private sector, and even affecting private individuals, becoming a self-serving, self-sustaining industry hell-bent on forcing their ideology onto us; coinciding with all this, new laws are brought in which paints this illogical ideology as “right” and “respectable” while painting any opposing views as “wrong”, “unworthy” and in some cases “illegal”. Thanks to the media promoting this ideology the public get the impression that these views are held by the majority of the populace, while in fact it’s only the majority of the journalists that hold these views. In such a despicable climate it becomes “politically incorrect” to hold opposing views, while anyone who objects to this new set of ideas are labelled as cranks or downright criminals. Opponents in prominent positions are harassed, while people in the public sector, self-employed or any other assailable job stands to lose their livelihood if they dare speak out.

The most disturbing part in all this is that of education. It is in the very first years of a child’s school life that he/she is indoctrinated to accept multiculturalism as fact. No opposing ideas are aired in a class room. As in days of Galileo Galilei, where school children were taught that “the sun revolves around the earth” and any opposing ideas where mere heresy; in the modern context it is taught that “multiculturalism is good for us” and to oppose that would be dangerous and maybe even illegal.

• The destruction of the British culture and identity, and the internationalization of all cultures. Therefore multiculturalism means no culture.
• Multiculturalism is expensive, contradictory and divisive.
• Multiculturalism is not fact; it is a Marxist ideology forced upon us.
• Multiculturalism is not just the stupid folly of today; it is the destructive mistake of tomorrow.

Thursday, 9 February 2012


According to David Cameron's key adviser, elderly should be encouraged to go back to work and move smaller homes.

David Halpern, a senior NO.10 aide, suggested that elderly people who didn’t move into smaller homes where contributing to the housing shortage. This comes as the state pension age is due to increase from 65 to 68 over the next three decades.

The Conservatives have been suggesting that elderly people should work past retirement age, even going so far as to say the retirement age should be at a extremely high 75 years old.

These latest outbursts of complete idiocy, just shows what little compassion the Conservatives have for our elderly. Cameron and his cronies care nothing for the well being of the elderly, all they care about is cutting the amount of money they have to pay out in pensions.

In my opinion, this amounts to bullying. Accusing the elderly who live in homes that they have worked hard to buy, to be the cause of the housing shortage is insanely untrue and a unfair statement. The reason there is a housing shortage is because of the open door policy, allowing millions of immigrants to flood our country. Elderly people who have brought their homes have nothing to do with the shortage, its the foolish and blind policies of the mainstream parties.

The elderly, who have spent their lives working hard and paying taxes into the system, and paying for their homes, should not be encouraged to leave their homes and get jobs- not that there are any jobs out there to get. Its about time the Conservatives got their heads out of their asses, and actually tried being compassionate human beings.  


Buried deep down in official treasury figures lies a terrible truth for the British people: We face a debt time bomb of up to £1.35 trillion.

We are told by the Coalition- who sit in their luxury Mercedes cars with no financial worries- that we must suffer through the dire cuts to our public services to tackle this debt. They throw all the blame at the Labour Party (who are also to blame), like school children who are not mature enough to accept responsibility for their own actions.

While many of the financial ills we face was passed on to the Coalition government from the previous incompetent government; but what have they actually done to revive the economy? Well, apart from spending over £9.1 billion on foreign aid, planning on sending £10 billion to the IMF, and using our army, who are under-equipped and stretched to their limits, in costly wars that have nothing to do with our interests; they have done nothing.

The truth is folks, we can not carry on down this path. We need to take a new direction. All the old gang parties follow the failed policy of economic liberalism, which pushes us further and further into debt slavery, as bankers and corrupt politicians cash in on our misery.

We need to free this country and its economy from the shackles of debt slavery. This will require fundamental reforms of the current, fraudulent financial system. We need to replace the debt based and inherently unstable Fractional Reserve system with a honest government issued debt free monetary system.

A National Front government would stop the nonsense of economic liberalism. We will introduce a Government National Reconstruction bank, which will reform the current financial system and will ensure that the issuing money is the duty solely of the government, and not greedy banksters.

Only the National Front's policy of Economic Nationalism, combining both the protection of British industry and monetary reform, will truly deal with Britain's financial woes.


Only days after Danny Stringer was attacked by a gang of Anti-white Asians, we hear ofanother racist attack on a white man, in Rochdale, Manchester.

This racial tension and social discord is what we have been warning you about for the past 45 years. The multi-cultural experiment has failed. The violence and crime we are witnessing in ever increasing numbers is a direct result of the liberal policies of successive governments- police officers being taken off the beat, new generations loosing all respect for authority, mass immigration ect ect. These attacks will only get worse, and more regular.

We have to act now, and deal with the problem that is infecting our society and dragging it down.


Wednesday, 8 February 2012


Once again more news has reached us that Government cuts have hit yet another essential public service. Norfolk Police Authority, which is due to be replaced by a controversial Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) in November, will meet later this month to set a budget for 2012/13. However, due to government cuts , Norfolk constabulary must make about £24.5 million of savings over the next three years.

While we do appreciate that the Norfolk constabulary have been placed in a rather awkward position financially, by an incompetent, corrupt government- who finds it all to easy to fund nations with “aid” despite their expensive Space program, or their ability to throw Billions at the IMF – their plan of action, which involves a lose of 120 police officers in the area and only a “potential” lose of up to 45 Police Community Support Officers (PCSO's).

The reasoning behind this is completely lost on me. I know for a fact that the people of this region would benefit more from a lose of the pointless and powerless PSCO's then the loss of police officers, who actually have the power to fight crime. What is wanted and needed in this country, is more police officers on the streets, not plastic bobbies who have no powers.

The money they are using to save the gimmick of the PCSO's would be better spent on keeping some of the qualified policemen employed.

I think its time we said goodbye to the pointless labour gimmick of the PSCO's and actually invested in some real Crime fighting police officers.  

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Come On, Someone Really Needs a Reality Check!! Tories Prove They Don't Have a Grasp on Reality

Maria Miller fails to grasp the basics
of reality

Just when you think that the Tories couldn't be more out of touch with reality, they sucker-punch you, and reveal how far detached they are from the basic facts in modern Britain. It is no secret that unemployment is at a 17 year high- yet, the Tories asserted on Monday that there are Jobs galore.

Maria Miller, the Minister for the Disabled, proved that her head is up in the clouds when she insisted that there was “no shortage of jobs”, just a lack of appetite to work. She told Pienaar's Politics on BBC Radio 5 Live:

“If you look at the facts and figures, there's 400,000 jobs at any one point in Jobcentres. I was in the Wirral on Friday, talking to one of our local Jobcentres there, and there isn't a shortage of jobs-n what there can be is a lack of appetite for some of the jobs available.”

Anyone that knows anything will testify about what a load of baloney that is. She says that all the figures prove her claim. Well, Mrs Miller, maybe you overlooked the fact that, recent figures show that in Wirral there are 8,686 jobseekers chasing just 802 vacancies. In other areas, figures point out that there are 20 applicants for every vacancy.

So with the jobless total currently standing at a eye-watering 2.68 million people (including over one million 16 to 24 year olds) how has she come to her half baked conclusion?

How can we expect any of the issues we face as a nation to be solved, when those in power are denying they exist.  

Monday, 6 February 2012

Is it possible that the government could be child trafficking?

Yes, it does seem like a very far fetched accusation, even for our lying bunch of politicians. They may start wars for no good reason (Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya), economically bringing our nation to ruin but could they really stoop SO low as to traffic children?

I found this article on the UK Column website, which I think is of interest. (Hat tip to UK Column)

Liberal Democrat MP Sarah Teather is Minister for Children and Families, and is responsible for some 14 areas listed on the government’s education website. These include childcare, children’s centers, health issues, school food disabled children and more. One of her key responsibilities is “Children’s services commissioning and market development”.
To most people this phrase reeks of commercial activity, money and profits - yes, the commissioning of contracts and the development of markets. Is the British government really involved in making money from the protection and care of children and families? The answer is you bet, and what’s more they don’t like talking about it.
Sarah Teather was recently sent a simple email by the UK Column:
I note that included in your responsibilities as Minister of State for Children and Families is the responsibility of: ‘Children’s services commissioning and market development.’ Please could you explain exactly what this responsibility involves, particularly with regard to how children and the related services are a commercial enterprise requiring ‘market development’.
Surprisingly, or perhaps not, Ms Teather was slow to reply. The UK Column therefore emailed the Liberal Democrat press team headed by James Holt. In due course a reply was received not from Mr Holt, but from Sarah Derwent, Chief Press Officer for the Department of Children and Families. She replied, copying her email to Matt Saunders of the Cabinet Office:
Local Authorities are responsible for commissioning services for children and young people.  As part of their commissioning process, they need to effectively manage markets to ensure provision (public, voluntary or private) meets needs in order to improve outcomes for children and young people.
Her reply was of course waffle. The UK Column replied directly to Ms Teather herself:
Sarah [Derwent’s] reply is woefully inadequate and written in nu-speak. Having spoken to Sarah she either does not have the necessary mental acumen or is totally unaware of the huge growth in commercial activity around children and children’s services, and does not know her subject - I therefore return to my original question which is directed at your personal ministerial role and not that of Local Authorities.
Shirking ministerial and personal responsibility and accountability, Ms Teather MP relied once again on Sarah Derwent to give a better response:
A DfE spokesperson said - The well being of children is our priority, the Department for Education wants to make sure all children are safe and receive the best possible services. Across the country, the statutory, voluntary and private sectors all deliver a wide variety of high quality children’s services. The decision of who to commission to provide services is a matter for local authorities.
The UK Column would like to point out that Ms Teather has still not answered the original question which simply asked what her actual ministerial responsibilities are. Neither has a response come from Francis Maude’s Cabinet Office - part of a government which was to be as transparent as possible. Could the unease at this question be due to Memorandums of Understanding between the Family Law Division and Cafcass, or the vast fees paid to Judges, Courts, barristers, solicitors, psychiatrists, psychologists, care centres, contact centres and charities estimated at £20 billion per year?
Or could it be because British children are now being trafficked to the ‘care’ of foreign parents world wide under new ‘child protection’ procedures in partnership with Cara India? Kent County Council alone spent £104,748 during 2010/11 on adoption matters in Nigeria, Colombia, Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Sierra Leone and Thailand. Commissioning and Markets in children - Just why is the British Government child trafficking Ms Teather?


National Front to contest London Mayoral elections like never before. National Front policies are needed to represent hard pressed Londoners and come to that, hard pushed Brits up and down the UK, as we are in a depression like the 1930’s, with rising unemployment, rising inflation, rising taxes, rising fuel, benefit cuts, crime levels at an all time high, uncontrolled mass immigration – need we say any more?

NF policies include: quit the EU, stop immigration, start repatriation, Britons first in housing, jobs and health. Get rid of this failed system once and for all, but we need your donations to make this happen.
Please use the donate button and send what you can to this address:
BM Box 5059, London, WC1N 3XX

Many thanks!


10 fallacies, among others, used in pseudo-scientific claims that "races don´t exist".
Scientists Call for End to Race Denial: 

Sunday, 5 February 2012



Today I have heard some terrible news coming from Hyde in Greater Manchester. A very young lad, Danny Stringer, was attacked by a gang of Asians during the night between the 4th February and the 5th February.

Our thoughts are with the family at this distressful time, and we really hope that he has a full recovery.

At the time of writing this, 24 hours or there abouts after the attack took place, there is not one news story that has touched on this story. The PC media, if they ever do print a story on this terrible crime, will do everything they can to avoid the label of “Racist” towards the violent, racist, Asian thugs that attacked this innocent lad. I also hate to say this, but I do think that the police lack the motivation to catch those responsible- at the time of reporting this, they have taken a statement and that’s about it.

I appeal to anyone who was in the Hyde area on that night who may have some useful information in this case, to please phone the Greater Manchester police on 0161 872 5050.


While we are all tightening our belts and the government are announcing cuts in our public services, the government have paid British Government's Civil Servants more than £105 million in bonus payments.

A report has revealed that the government are paying too many bonuses for “routine performances” at a time when we face a dire recession which is only getting worse and ministers are sacking staff and freezing pay in the public sector.

The Independent report said “The issue is likely become a key political skirmishing ground amid claims that that senior figures in the public and private sector are creating a “bonus culture” for themselves, while their workers make do with modest sums or no bonus at all”

The revelations about the bonus culture that is rife within the government, came after it emerged that Ed Lester, the head of the Student Loans Company, has benefited from a “tax-efficient” arrangement he has paid through a private firm.

Here at the National Front we find it disgraceful that these greedy fat cats, who have played a massive part in destroying our nation, should be taking home bonuses they in no way deserve, while the British public suffer on low wages.


Many left-wing liberals, Cultural Marxists and those who are ignorant to facts, have often claimed that immigrants are “never” given priority when it comes to allocation of social housing. The facts, however, do tell another story.

In the year to 2009 the number of foreign tenants in social housing rose to over 1.1 million, while the number of British tenants fell by 1.2 million.

Immigrants being given preferential treatment over natives is shameful and a direct betrayal of the British people our politicians were elected to serve. The government have been spilling their usual lip-service- the Housing Minister telling the Daily Express that they are dealing with the issue- as they try to pull the wool over the British people's eyes. This promise to deal with the crisis with social housing will be yet another promise which will become watered down until it eventually is forgotten and lost in the abyss of the countless other promises that they tell the British people. Under the main three parties, this situation will remain unchanged.

The British people are fed up with being lied to, and voting in the same treacherous politicians who fix nothing, and create more issues that they solve. Until we stop being such a soft touch, then our country will never get any better, and will continue its disastrous path of multi-cultural hell. The sky high levels of youth unemployment is directly related to the number of immigrants, the school system will continue being pushed until breaking point in areas where English is rarely spoken as a first language and health tourists will continue to enter our country to receive treatment in our hospitals, before returning home without paying a penny.

Its time that the British people realised that we can not go on like this, that the three main parties have nothing but their own financial interest at heart. The only Political party that has fought for the British interests without compromise is the National Front. Our policies of common sense, will break the cycle of us being considered a walk over.

The time for change is now.... The time for a Nationalist government is NOW!!!  


At the cost of the British taxpayer, thousands of European criminals in British jails will not be sent home, despite the introduction of a new prisoner transfer deal among EU member states. The deal, which came into force last month, is designed to allow countries to ease the drastic overcrowding in prisons by deporting offenders back to their native land.

Shamefully, since the agreement was signed in 2008 only two nations have reached a deal with Britain, both of which securing opt-outs from the project. Labour ministers allowed Poland to dodge its obligations for five years while Ireland negotiated a full opt-out.

Because of the incompetence of successive British governments, more than 1,400 Polish and Irish prisoners serving time in British prisons at our expense. The offenders from these two nations alone amount to a staggering third of all European inmates in the UK.

Both the LIEbour and Lib-CON coalition governments have failed the British people. The Lib-CON coalition have continued to allow foreign prisoners to reside at our expense and have failed miserably to negotiate new deals to transfer prisoners. While LIEbour have landed taxpayers with an unnecessary bill of millions of pounds, the coalition have not taken any steps to correct this issue.

The fact that successive governments can not even deport foreign prisoners whop have committed serious crimes is a damning indictment of the flimsy EU arrangements and the weak nature of the mainstream parties.

It is our right not to be landed with unnecessary bills for criminals who have no right to even be on our shores. We need a strong willed government, who will stand up for our interests. There is only one party that has the will-power and determination to stand by the rights of the native British people; that party is none other than the National Front.


Saturday, 4 February 2012


Once again, another study has proved what the National Front have been saying for over 40 years to be right. Because of the Liberal policies of the mainstream parties, the number of ethnic pupils has risen by 57 per cent in ten years. In some areas across the country, including inner London, that figure is a rise of 67 per cent- which means that two-thirds of pupils are from an ethnic minority background.

The survey, which is done by Kings College London, shows that in some secondary schools, the number rises to 98 per cent. Professor Chris Hamnett, a geographer who conducted the study, said that birth rates indicate that the proportion of ethnic minority pupils will continue to rise in future decades.

The facts are in front of you. We, the native British, are under threat of becoming a minority in our own country. The open borders policy, which the National front have been campaigning against for well over 40 years, has created the multi-cultural hellhole we now call Britain. Well done to the Cultural Marxists, they have done their job of destroying this once proud nation very well. Has the mass colonisation of our nation benefited our economy, schools, hospitals, or housing? Not at all.

Its time that we stood up for the British people. If we do not act soon, we shall be a minority in our own country. We need to shut the borders, and start a phrased repatriation policy. We need to regain our land, and make Britain great once again. The only political party that has consistently stood for the interests of the British people, is the National Front. We have never faltered in our belief that Britain should remain British.