Britain and its NATO allies have launched an unjust propaganda campaign based on nothing but blatant lies, which are being spread by so called “human rights” activists with a network of duplicity and deception, in hope to ignite a war on Syria.
A group called, Syrian Observatory for human Rights, which is based in London, has been one of the major players in spreading these lies. This organisation, which is shady to say the least and works in close coordination with both US funded NGOs and the British Foreign Secretary William Hague, gets all of its “reliable” information via phone and Youtube videos from inside Syria. All the lies which they are spilling to anyone that will listen cannot be verified or authenticated independently or officially.
The long and short of it, their evidence which supposedly is giving Britain reason to go to war with Syria, cannot be trusted. So lets look at what the UN Human Rights Council's report has to say on the situation in Syria.
Well, as far as the UN report is concerned, it has been revealed recently that the suspect report about the situation in Syria, entitled “Syrian Crimes Against Humanity” was actually co-authored by Karen Koning AbuZayd, a director of the US Washington based corporate think tank, “Middle East Policy Council” that includes Exxon men, CIA Agents, US military and governmental representatives and even the president of the US-Quatar Buisness Council, which has membership from Al-Jazeera, Chavon, Exxon, munitions manufacture Raytheon and Boering.
That to one side, the actual content is suspect. It simply contains no verifiable evidence, only hearsay accounts recorded in Geneva by alleged “victims”, “witnesses” and “defectors”. Basically, the UN was an open invitation from Syria's enemies to paint whatever image of the ruling government they wished.
Why only hearsay evidence? Well some critics will say its because that the Syrian government are being uncooperative with the UN. However, it is more than likely true that the UN-which has a dirty track record of dodgy reports, like in Iraq, the Ivory Coast and most recently, Libya- is being complicit in providing the necessary ammo for Wall street's and London’s otherwise naked military conquests.
The “evidence” for crimes against humanity by Syria is nothing but a fraud, where “witnesses” are merely opposed to the Syrian government, and is complied by a corporate D.C. Think tank director in a “human Rights report.”
And the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which is based in London, yet somehow is considered the exclusive source of these “reports” coming out of Syria. This shady organisation refuses to publish where it gets its funding and what backgrounds their membership consists of.
The simple truth; More evidence is coming to light that NATO and its proxies are very much behind the unrest and increasing violence in Syria. While they provoke unrest, London based “Human Right” groups like the Syrian Observatory artfully spin a web of lies and draws the blame for the unrest back onto the Syrian Government, all aimed and setting off a similar kind of genocide and pointless destruction that put Libya into the hands of global corporate-Zionists.
This is yet another country that is being unjustly targeted, and yet again Britain is being pulled into a war we do not have any interest in.
As Nationalists, we believe meddling in other nations affairs is wrong, especially what the power elite did in Libya, and now doing in Syria, and causing deliberate unrest.
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