Because of Labour's, and now Lib-CON's half-baked immigration policies, officers from Norfolk County Council have recently been forced to ask headteachers to take extra pupils because a real concern exists that there will not be enough places in Norwich primary schools. This does beg the question; How big are these classes going to get before we say enough is enough? What affect will the overcrowding of classes have on our children's education?
The rise in pupils is a countrywide trend. By 2020, it is predicted that the amount of pupils in reception classes shall rise by at least 21 per cent, putting an increased and extremely damaging pressure onto the already overstretched schools.
The Norwich Evening News recently reported that the city was facing a potential shortfall of places for next September's reception classes. This issue has been temporarily resolved by the council, as they have persuaded schools to open up 345 places, which should ease the issue. However, the council's long term plan is the building of new schools. This is especially needed with the thousands of new homes being planned to be build around the city.
At the end of the day, the plan to just build more schools is all well and good, however, it is the most obvious and easiest option, and doesn't resolve the issue in the long run. Its about time Britain tackled the very real issue of our extreme population growth, which is primarily due to the ignorant government, immigration policy. It is not just the educational system which is suffering at the hands of the main stream parties. Public transport, housing, NHS and other public services are being pushed close to breaking point due to the new arrivals, and the governments ignorance to the facts.
Its time for common sense and put an end to the Open Borders. Its time that we as a Nation, voted for a Party that would : PUT BRITAIN FIRST!!
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