Unemployment rose by 118,000 between September and November to 2.68 million- taking the unemployment rate to a staggering 8.4 per cent. The number of people who are now claiming Job Seekers Allowance has increased by 1,200 to a eye watering 1.6 million.
The signs that Britain's labour market is deteriorating even further is plan for anyone to see. The number of “underemployed”- people who have been forced to work part-time, since there are no full-time positions available- has jumped up by 44,000, now standing at a mighty number of 1.31 million. This is the highest figure since records began in 1992.
The number of self-employed reached 4.12 million, as it increased by 101,000. Don't assume that the reason for the rise in self-employed is a sign of some entrepreneurial revolution, because the fact is, many of them have been forced to do odd-jobbng just to avoid the dole queue, and would take work if it was available.
The worst hit is the British youth. Youth unemployment surged by 52,000 to reach 1.04 million- in other words, 22.3 per cent of 16 to 24 year olds are now unemployed.
This is more proof that the government are incompetent, and have no plans to turn Britain's economic down-turn around. With Britain in economic hardship, and the government considering giving your taxes to the IMF, what more could we expect from the Lib-CON coalition? Their plans for decreasing the amount of unemployed has failed drastically. The Welfare to work programmes are failing spectacularly.
So what are the answers? Economic Nationalism can and would turn the dire situation that we find ourselves in around. This policy, which the National Front have been lobbying for, promotes the protection of British jobs and industry.
The National Front do not need to pay lip service, we say it as it is. We are in desperate times folks, and we need to change the path we are on before it gets too late, and we find ourselves in a third world country. Its time we ditched economic liberalism, which has robbed Britain of its industrial base and took millions of jobs from the British people.
For the National Front, getting Britain back to work and providing British jobs for British workers, are two extremely fundamental policies, unlike the three main parties, who only seem to care when its election time, or the papers have run some story.
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