Thursday, 26 January 2012


Britain is sinking deeper and deeper into economic oblivion, and the government-who only pay lip service and lay out half-baked, ill-advised plans in the hope that something might turn up trumps- are getting nowhere.

Unemployment rose by 118,000 between September and November to 2.68 million- taking the unemployment rate to a staggering 8.4 per cent. The number of people who are now claiming Job Seekers Allowance has increased by 1,200 to a eye watering 1.6 million.

The signs that Britain's labour market is deteriorating even further is plan for anyone to see. The number of “underemployed”- people who have been forced to work part-time, since there are no full-time positions available- has jumped up by 44,000, now standing at a mighty number of 1.31 million. This is the highest figure since records began in 1992.

The number of self-employed reached 4.12 million, as it increased by 101,000. Don't assume that the reason for the rise in self-employed is a sign of some entrepreneurial revolution, because the fact is, many of them have been forced to do odd-jobbng just to avoid the dole queue, and would take work if it was available.

The worst hit is the British youth. Youth unemployment surged by 52,000 to reach 1.04 million- in other words, 22.3 per cent of 16 to 24 year olds are now unemployed.

This is more proof that the government are incompetent, and have no plans to turn Britain's economic down-turn around. With Britain in economic hardship, and the government considering giving your taxes to the IMF, what more could we expect from the Lib-CON coalition? Their plans for decreasing the amount of unemployed has failed drastically. The Welfare to work programmes are failing spectacularly.

So what are the answers? Economic Nationalism can and would turn the dire situation that we find ourselves in around. This policy, which the National Front have been lobbying for, promotes the protection of British jobs and industry.

The National Front do not need to pay lip service, we say it as it is. We are in desperate times folks, and we need to change the path we are on before it gets too late, and we find ourselves in a third world country. Its time we ditched economic liberalism, which has robbed Britain of its industrial base and took millions of jobs from the British people.

For the National Front, getting Britain back to work and providing British jobs for British workers, are two extremely fundamental policies, unlike the three main parties, who only seem to care when its election time, or the papers have run some story.



Abu Qatada- Wanted in Jordan
for acts of terrorism! 

Once again the “human rights” of a criminal is put before the rights of the people of this nation, as a notorious preacher of hate could be released onto our streets, as European judges said his “human rights” protects him from deportation.

Hate filled and despicable cleric, Abu Qatada- who is linked to Al Qaeda suicide attempts- is wanted in Jordan for conspiring to carry out bomb attacks in their country. But the deluded European Court of Human Rights ruled that the UK government could not deport the Jihad fanatic, once described as Osama Bin Laden's ambassador in Europe, just in case he doesn't receive a “fair trial.”

Thanks to this judgement, Qatada- currently in a high security prison,-could be walking the streets, spending his life on benefits with his wife and five children. This will then lead- at the taxpayers expense of course- security officials having to monitor him 24/7 to make sure that he is not justifying and inspiring future terrorist attacks.

The European Court has admitted that he will not face ill-treatment at the hands of Jordan’s government. This ruling is the first of its kind, which has halted a deportation under the “Fair Trial” section of the European Convention of Human Rights. This ruling will now set a precedent, which will make it harder to deport terror suspects wanted by countries in the Middle East and North Africa.

The EU judges decided that the deportation could not go ahead because it was likely that torture had been used to gather evidence against Qatatda- despite the fact that our own Law Lords have said that there is NO evidence that torture has been used to gain evidence against Qatada.

This is yet another classic example of Britain losing its sovereignty and its right to rule its own land as it sees fit. Judicial legislation has steam-rolled over decisions that should be determined by the UK courts and no one else. Now because of this ruling, Article 6 ( The right to a fair trial) could now be used to stop deportations to any country that doesn’t share the British standard of justice- which is most of the developing world.

We have to wake up and we must leave the farce that is called the European union, so that we can regain our right to determine our own laws, to decide what is best for our nation, and who can and cannot remain in our country; instead of unelected lawyers in Strasbourg deciding for us.

The three main parties will never allow Britain to leave the EU, and will therefore continue to allow the scandal of handing our freedoms and sovereignty to Brussels. We need a government who is willing and strong enough to stand up against the tyrannical European Union, to stand strong for the British people, who will not allow threats to our security- like Qatada- to walk our streets.

Only a National Front government would have the fight to stand up for your rights against the European Court of Criminal Rights.VOTE NATIONAL FRONT- AND LETS GIVE BRITAIN A FAIRER DEAL  


It has emerged, thanks to a Freedom of Information request by the Daily Mail, that disgustingly, fewer than one in ten hospitals check whether nurses from Europe can adequately speak English before letting them work on the wards. A NHS watchdog also stated that language barriers only come to light when patients find that their requests for more pain relief or different food is not understood.

Due to strict and harmful anti-discrimination rules being imposed on us from Brussels, it is illegal for the Nursing and Midwifery Council regulator to check the English language skills of nurses trained in EU hospitals. The Department for Health and the Royal College of Nursing have told hospitals it is their responsibility to make adequate checks, however, this guidance has never been passed on to managers who are in charge of recruitment.

The Daily Mail Freedom of Information requests to all British hospitals- which only 104 bothered to respond- showed that one in seven set their own tests or ask to show proof that applicants have passed an English exam. A further nine said that they set literacy tests for all candidates; however, experts have said that this is not enough to establish that they would understand English, especially when working with patients, relatives and colleagues on very busy wards. Many others said that they do not believe they need to set any kind of test, as in their opinion, the NMC will already have checked.

This situation, which has been allowed to go unchecked for far too long, has severe consequences, and has the potential to put patients in harms way. Because of our open door policy, strict laws from Brussels and the NHS blindly accepting applicants from the EU, British people are being put at risk.

Jan Middelton nearly had to call 999 and summon medics to the ward because nurses could not understand her. What does that say about our health service, if nurses have to consider calling the emergency number to ensure that patients get the help they require?

In another case, thanks to the catastrophic rules being imposed on us, 70 year old, David Grey, died in 2008 when “German” GP, Daniel Ubani, gave him 20 times the recommended dose of painkillers. This doctor, who has no right to work in the UK, had a poor grasp of the English language (which surly should of ruled him out as an applicant to work in the UK).

We have been taken for a ride folks. They would have us believe that highly paid Hospital CEO's are completely unaware of the problems within their domain. The mind boggles how they can employ staff that are unable to communicate, and therefore, unable to do their work. When are these people going to held to account for negligence instead of being allowed to continue employing foreign workers?

Britain needs to really consider the consequences that its actions are having on its hospitals. We need to realise that it is not racist to want English speaking nurses and doctors to be working within the Health service which we fund out of our hard earned cash. It is our right to be able to converse with people paid to nurse us (via taxes). The simple fact is, it is not possible to get comprehensive care without the very basic human function of conversation. In fact it can be, and has proven to be lethal in some cases.

This story is yet more proof that Britain is being harmed by mass immigration and our membership to the EU, and also more reason why Britain needs change- change, that only a party like the National Front can implement.



Good news! The high court has backed the City of London Corporations bid to evict anti-Capitalist protesters from outside St Paul's Cathedral. Mr Justice Lindblom, who granted orders for possession and injunction against Occupy London, said that the proposed action was “entirely lawful and justified” as well as necessary and proportional.

I personally believe that this is a good move, that is completely justified. The National Front is a strong supporter of the right of the people to protest, and will fight for that right to remain; however, the curtailing of the protesters rights that will be involved in removing them from outside St Paul's Cathedral is necessary when you consider the rights of the majority.

I am hoping that this eviction of left-wing protesters sets off a domino effect, and we shall see the Occupy Norwich site removed. I have seen Occupy London on two separate occasions, and I have the displeasure of having to walk past Occupy Norwich most days, and it cannot be denied that these camps are nothing but magnets for crime and disorder, impacting greatly on the general public.

All of these attention seeking events are good for one thing; they reveal the ultimate and bare naked hypocrisy of the left wing. Having visited Occupy London and Occupy Norwich, the areas are nothing short of eye-sores, filthy, and smell to high heaven of cannabis and sweat, and the anti-capitalists were selling items even though they supposedly oppose capitalism.

Friday, 13 January 2012


The corruption that plagues the political world was made apparent when world leaders fabricated lies about Weapons of Mass Destruction which Saddam Hussain was supposedly, by never was, hiding. Britain played a major role in the illegal invasion of Iraq, and yet again Britain is centre stage of yet another scandal.

Britain and its NATO allies have launched an unjust propaganda campaign based on nothing but blatant lies, which are being spread by so called “human rights” activists with a network of duplicity and deception, in hope to ignite a war on Syria.

A group called, Syrian Observatory for human Rights, which is based in London, has been one of the major players in spreading these lies. This organisation, which is shady to say the least and works in close coordination with both US funded NGOs and the British Foreign Secretary William Hague, gets all of its “reliable” information via phone and Youtube videos from inside Syria. All the lies which they are spilling to anyone that will listen cannot be verified or authenticated independently or officially.

The long and short of it, their evidence which supposedly is giving Britain reason to go to war with Syria, cannot be trusted. So lets look at what the UN Human Rights Council's report has to say on the situation in Syria.

Well, as far as the UN report is concerned, it has been revealed recently that the suspect report about the situation in Syria, entitled “Syrian Crimes Against Humanity” was actually co-authored by Karen Koning AbuZayd, a director of the US Washington based corporate think tank, “Middle East Policy Council” that includes Exxon men, CIA Agents, US military and governmental representatives and even the president of the US-Quatar Buisness Council, which has membership from Al-Jazeera, Chavon, Exxon, munitions manufacture Raytheon and Boering.

That to one side, the actual content is suspect. It simply contains no verifiable evidence, only hearsay accounts recorded in Geneva by alleged “victims”, “witnesses” and “defectors”. Basically, the UN was an open invitation from Syria's enemies to paint whatever image of the ruling government they wished.

Why only hearsay evidence? Well some critics will say its because that the Syrian government are being uncooperative with the UN. However, it is more than likely true that the UN-which has a dirty track record of dodgy reports, like in Iraq, the Ivory Coast and most recently, Libya- is being complicit in providing the necessary ammo for Wall street's and London’s otherwise naked military conquests.

The “evidence” for crimes against humanity by Syria is nothing but a fraud, where “witnesses” are merely opposed to the Syrian government, and is complied by a corporate D.C. Think tank director in a “human Rights report.”

And the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which is based in London, yet somehow is considered the exclusive source of these “reports” coming out of Syria. This shady organisation refuses to publish where it gets its funding and what backgrounds their membership consists of.

The simple truth; More evidence is coming to light that NATO and its proxies are very much behind the unrest and increasing violence in Syria. While they provoke unrest, London based “Human Right” groups like the Syrian Observatory artfully spin a web of lies and draws the blame for the unrest back onto the Syrian Government, all aimed and setting off a similar kind of genocide and pointless destruction that put Libya into the hands of global corporate-Zionists.

This is yet another country that is being unjustly targeted, and yet again Britain is being pulled into a war we do not have any interest in.

As Nationalists, we believe meddling in other nations affairs is wrong, especially what the power elite did in Libya, and now doing in Syria, and causing deliberate unrest.


George Osborne; wants to send your money to unelected,
undemocratic supranational IMF
What do you do when your nation is in a tight and heavy recession? Well, according to Mr Osborne you just throw taxpayers money at anyone who asks for it. That’s right, Mr Osborne is actually considering handing over £10 billion from Britain's ultra squeezed budget to help bail out foreign countries with financial troubles.

The Chancellor told MPs that extra money may be required by the unelected, undemocratic supranational organisation, IMF (International Monetary Fund).

It was not even a year ago that David Cameron faced fierce opposition when he narrowly won a vote to increase UK's contributions to the IMF. At the time Mr Cameron said the staggering amount of £10 Billion would be enough (more than enough surely), yet now, after all that cash wasted, Mr Osborne has not ruled out trying his luck, and going back to parliament for MORE money, even though our contributions as it is amounts to around £400 per family.

Mr Osborne said had this to say to the Treasury Committee.

“My attitude is first of all, I'm very happy at any point to explain this to parliament, if needed to seek and felt it was right to offer something more than the current parliamentary limits allow... Of course, that wouldn't be my decision, it would be parliament’s decision. But lets hear what the IMF proposal is first, Lets hear what the G20 responses are. If we need specific parliamentary approval for it, then we will seek it.”

OK, I just want to play pretend for a moment. Lets pretend that there are 40 million taxpayers in the country. Lets pretend that the government actually cared for the taxpayers rather than their best buddies at the IMF. Now lets really push the limits, and pretend that Mr Osborne had an original idea rather than one planted in his head by his sponsors, and came up with the idea of giving a tax break to taxpayers. So that; £10bn by 40 million = £250 per taxpayer. Now lets not pretend. Instead of receiving a nice £250 tax break, that amount is how much it is going to cost YOU!

So, what will happen to huge amount of money? The same will happen to the money as does all our other payments to the IMF, it will just p**sed up the wall!

So as usual we lend money to the IMF. And knowing our spineless government, the loan will have little, if any, interest attached to it- and the IMF will then go on to lend this money to bailout countries with extortionate amounts of interest.

Put Simply, the IMF is a large private bank, which is making a great deal of money out of our tax. What I want, Georgie-boy, is for you to tell us taxpayers, as underwriters of this loan, how much interest is charged to the IMF?

Its moments like this that illustrate that Britain needs a strong willed government who would stand up for British interests. A National Front government would not be sending your hard earned taxes to the shady IMF. When there's no money for local services like schools, libraries and health facilities, how does the government have billions readily available for the IMF.

Join the National Front, and lets put Britain First..... CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME


The labour party have accused the state funded BBC (Blatant Biased Corporation) of being an “echo chamber” for the coalition government, which is a little bit hypocritical of the Labour Party, since when they were in power they received the exact same treatment.

The Labour Party voiced anger at the BBC's discriminative news coverage, and have made an official complaint, stating that their spokesperson doesn't get as much airtime as the Conservatives or the Lib Dems.

So why the sudden complaint? This boils down to a mere popularity contest, and with the news that the Tories have outperformed them in opinion polls for the first time in 14 months, Labour are blaming the BBC and other media outlets. They hit out at National papers, especially pro-government, Zionist papers linked to Rupert Murdoch's media empire, claiming that they are putting out biased reports about the opinion poll.

Well, Labour; While your reasons for the complaint is dubious at best- and to be honest, when you were in power you did receive some major butt kissing treatment from various media outlets- I would like to say, calling Western Media biased, especially the BBC, you have actually touched onto a truth there.

Zionist Media Mogul, Rupert Murdoch
Unfortunately, since you are not free from the Zionist influence, you are missing the real reason to be enraged at the mainstream media. The fact is, the BBC is a tool for the Western Zionist regime. It no longer represents the British people, who pay £150 for a TV license for the privilege of biased news. I use the term “news” very loosely; what we actually get from the mainstream news outlets is half-truths and lies. The BBC was hijacked along time ago, and like most newspapers and major media companies, has been turned into a Zionist mouthpiece, which blacks out all anti-Zionist truths- for instance, the brutal killings of innocent Palestinian women and children on a continuous scale, perpetrated by the Illegal state of Israel, is not reported by the BBC and other outlets. Truths, which don't fit well with the ruling powers agenda are hidden from the British public by western media, especially companies like those linked to Zionist media moguls like Murdoch.

The National Front is a firm believer in the Freedom of the Press, and that it should not be influenced by political agendas- especially ones which are 100 per cent contradictory to British interests.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012


Council bosses have announced that three new primary schools shall be needed to cope with the huge influx of young children in Norwich. The three new schools will be opened in Mile Cross, Sprowston and and a location in the South of the city which has not yet been confirmed.

Because of Labour's, and now Lib-CON's half-baked immigration policies, officers from Norfolk County Council have recently been forced to ask headteachers to take extra pupils because a real concern exists that there will not be enough places in Norwich primary schools. This does beg the question; How big are these classes going to get before we say enough is enough? What affect will the overcrowding of classes have on our children's education?

The rise in pupils is a countrywide trend. By 2020, it is predicted that the amount of pupils in reception classes shall rise by at least 21 per cent, putting an increased and extremely damaging pressure onto the already overstretched schools.

The Norwich Evening News recently reported that the city was facing a potential shortfall of places for next September's reception classes. This issue has been temporarily resolved by the council, as they have persuaded schools to open up 345 places, which should ease the issue. However, the council's long term plan is the building of new schools. This is especially needed with the thousands of new homes being planned to be build around the city.

At the end of the day, the plan to just build more schools is all well and good, however, it is the most obvious and easiest option, and doesn't resolve the issue in the long run. Its about time Britain tackled the very real issue of our extreme population growth, which is primarily due to the ignorant government, immigration policy. It is not just the educational system which is suffering at the hands of the main stream parties. Public transport, housing, NHS and other public services are being pushed close to breaking point due to the new arrivals, and the governments ignorance to the facts.

Its time for common sense and put an end to the Open Borders. Its time that we as a Nation, voted for a Party that would : PUT BRITAIN FIRST!!

Monday, 9 January 2012

Stephen Lawrence — The compounding of an injustice

I found this article on the Truth Seekers website, and thought that it raised some good points in the Stephen Lawrence case.

By Alexander Baron.

London - Yesterday, the jury returned verdicts of guilty on both defendants in a murder case that has caused controversy from its very beginning, nearly 19 years ago on a South London street. But has justice been done?

The headline on page 10 of London Metro on December 16 last was Norris's mother 'faked Stephen stabbing alibi', the quote's signify this was simply an allegation rather than a fact. An enormous number of allegations have been made in this case over the years, but the elephant in the courtroom was the allegation that neither of the QCs defending these two men appears to have had the courage to make, that is that the new forensic evidence may have been and indeed probably was faked by a police officer assigned to this case, or perhaps more than one working in collusion.

Before tackling that issue though, for those who are not au fait with the case, some background can be found here, while more detail and some analysis made some 6 years ago can be found here. In all humility, this analysis has, and will, stand the test of time. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the one of the first news reports broadcast in the wake of the convictions of Gary Dobson and David Norris, in particular this one by ITN.

As well as announcing the verdict, this report simply parrots the nonsense spouted by ill-informed people at the time and later, including Doreen Lawrence. While it may seem distateful to criticise a grieving mother, it is necessary to view even the most heinous of murders dispassionately.

The mindless parroting of the mantra racist, racist, racist is not helpful; the protesters shown in this video are carrying placards produced by the Socialist Workers Party, an organisation that is so blinded by its own political agenda that it finds racism everywhere. Among other things it supported uncritically convicted murderer Satpal Ram, and its take on the mindless criminality of the August riots is a marvel to behold.
The Stephen Lawrence case was not about racism, it was about justice; no one should be murdered while simply standing on the public highway waiting for a bus, and when someone is, the killer(s) should be brought to justice. Clearly that was not the case here, but first let us deal with the criticisms made of the police at the time. Were they fair?

The claim by Doreen Lawrence that they were afraid to get black blood on them was certainly not fair. When the police are called to a violent incident it is often unclear who is the protagonist and who is the innocent party - if anyone is innocent - or who is hurt and how badly. Although Stephen Lawrence had clearly been stabbed, no one apart from his friend Duwayne Brooks seemed to realise how badly he was injured. When it became clear that he had been stabbed severely, they did their best to help him, but if a busload of doctors rather than the police had turned up that night, they would not have been able to do anything for him, his injuries were fatal.

The claim they should not have treated the murder as gang related is also wrong. Clearly it was gang related in a sense because Stephen Lawrence was attacked by a gang. Was it inappropriate or even racist for them to investigate the possibility that he himself had been a member of a gang? Clearly not, this would have been one of many lines of inquiry. While the police will generally do their best to keep the next of kin informed, it is not police procedure for them to keep up a running commentary, nor to make even grieving parents privy to evidence or operational matters. For one thing, however ludicrous it may appear to her, Doreen Lawrence herself would have been a suspect in a very general sense, as are all family, relatives and friends in any murder investigation, although she would have been ruled out very quickly.

The claim that the police should have swooped on and arrested the prime suspects at the drop of a hat on the strength of two anonymous letters is also ill-considered. The criterion for arrest is reasonable suspicion (probable cause, as our American friends say). Can two anonymous letters - that were possibly written by the same person with mischievous intent - be called reasonable suspicion?

In the early hours of December 27, 1999, Neville Lawrence, Stephen's father, was stopped by the police while driving his car in North London. A woman had reported being mugged by two black men in the area; Mr Lawrence and his passenger, his cousin, were black, and they were detained for about 20 minutes. He was apparently not too happy with this, indeed the aforementioned Socialist Workers Party is forever harping on about young black men being stopped and searched arbitrarily, but it is clear that in this case the stop was reasonable. Would an arrest or arrests have been reasonable in the Stephen Lawrence case at such an early stage, or did the police do the right thing by continuing to investigate and gather evidence?

In its April 21, 2002 edition, the late and unlamented News Of The World claimed that the original suspects - the Acourt gang - of which Dobson and Norris were members - may actually have been innocent. No source is named, but it is claimed the Acourt gang had been on their way to fight another, the Coronet gang.
Immediately after the verdict, the BBC screened a Panorama documentary - currently found here.
This simply rehashes for the Nth time the nonsense about police incompetence and institutional racism. It also makes out Doreen Lawrence to be some kind of heroine, battling against the police and the judiciary, instead of a woman who was and remains ignorant of police methodology.

This is the story of how an ordinary family exposed the mighty Metropolitan Police as “institutionally racist”. No, it did not! This programme had clearly been in preparation for some considerable time because it accompanied Doreen Lawrence to her native Jamaica where she and her now ex-husband sent their son's body to be buried. The best thing we did, she said, was to bring him here, because the UK didn't deserve him. Now who's being racist?

The police weren't interested in catching Stephen's killers, she said; they assumed it must have been gang related. Again, this was a reasonable line of inquiry.

The covert police surveillance video of the gang is paraded as almost beyond belief, almost beyond bearing, according to one commentator. And the lesson of this is? To begin with, this is evidence of contemptible youths - as many of us are when we are young, contemptible of authority and sometimes the world. Haven't they heard of angry young men? Or bravado? They were simply trash talking to their peers. Having said that, most kids grow out of this sort of thing. The other thing this video shows is that people who eavesdrop on the conversations of others seldom hear anything good about themselves. As well as disparaging blacks, the Acourt gang had some strong words to say about the police, not unreasonably if they were indeed innocent.
The real issue though is by what legal authority does Big Brother break into private premises and set up covert surveillance equipment to spy on not only possibly bona fide suspects but anyone else who uses those premises?

The Panorama documentary has no criticisms to make of the Macpherson Inquiry, and its ludicrous conclusions and recommendations. Certainly neither Macpherson's ludicrous report nor the implementation of its recommendations changed the face of race relations in Britain for the better.

The documentary does not mention either the payments Doreen and Neville received from the Metropolitan Police. In February 2000 it was reported that having already rejected a settlement of £175,000 - settlement for what? - they were set to receive £320,000 which included, £98,898 for loss of earnings caused by psychiatric illness, and £7,000 for trips abroad to relieve stress. As the saying goes, you couldn't make it up.
Finally, the documentary does not mention the shady antecedents of their lawyer, Imran Khan, the man who stood next to Doreen Lawrence outside the Central Criminal Court as she spoke after the conviction of Dobson and Norris. Khan is - or rather was - an uncritical supporter of not murder victim but rightly convicted murderer Satpal Ram. On November 17, 1999, he along with Neville Lawrence no less, attended a meeting at the House of Commons in support of Ram.

One of the things this meeting called for was “The right of a person to defend themself against a racist attack has to be recognised.”

Including presumably the right to carry an illegal weapon - a flick knife.

Amazing, isn't it? The innocent Stephen Lawrence was stabbed twice in the chest by an armed thug who disappeared into the night. And Satpal Ram was an armed thug who stabbed an innocent man in the back twice then disappeared into the night. Shame on you, Imran, and shame on you Neville, for allowing your son's name to be mentioned in the same breath as a murderer who treated another innocent victim the same way your son was treated.

Having disposed of the Panorama programme, let us return to the trial. Dobson had two alibi witnesses: his parents. The mother of David Norris gave her son an alibi. Neither of these were believed. The jacket on which the blood of Stephen Lawrence was allegedly found belonged to Dobson; he denied wearing it. Certainly no one reported any of the attackers wearing such a jacket on the night of the murder, and it is nothing if distinctive, even under street lights. The person who wielded the knife was also distinctive, and was not one of the Acourt gang. One other thing should be added to the above, this is the fact that since 1993 not one of the principal suspects has said or had attributed to him the slightest incriminating statement. Bearing in mind that none of them is exactly doctorate material, this desideratum also points towards innocence.
Thus the jury was faced with, on the one hand, inconclusive and indeed negative evidence of guilt - eyewitness testimony - and forensics which were at best dubious. Could there be another explanation besides accidental contamination? Of course, fabrication. This was no ordinary cold case review; if the supposedly new forensics had pointed to an entirely new suspect, they would have been far more credible, but the fact remains that the public is reliant on the integrity of the police to handle forensics and other exhibits in good faith, and at the end of the day, we have only their word that they acted in good faith. Yet we know the police are capable of acting in not simply bad faith but no faith at all.

The most reasonable explanation for the incriminating forensic evidence in this case, is that it was planted. If anyone doubts the police are capable of such perfidy, they should check out the case of Winston Silcott, whose conviction for the murder of PC Keith Blakelock (which was overturned on appeal) involved a massive conspiracy of bent coppers who fabricated his unsigned confession out of the whole cloth.
It should also be noted that the Acourt gang were and are not the only suspects. There are still 9 potential suspects, which means that corruption aside, the police are keeping an open mind.

At the end of the day, this case was not about racism or such nonsense, rather it was and remains about a culture of violence, guns and knives that permeates youths - of all races - in many of Britain's cities, and indeed in cities throughout the West if not throughout the world.

The most disturibing things about this case though are the way it has been used not only to brainwash especially the young with the mantra of the “anti-racist” lobby, but to undermine the rule of law. This is the second time double jeopardy has been thrown out of the window. We can be sure it will not be the last, and that at some time in the not too distant future attempts will be made to weaken the criteria for prosecution after acquittal. Which will open the door to prosecuting the same person for the same alleged offence over and over again until the jury returns the right verdict.

There is of course scant sympathy for either Gary Dobson or David Norris, but the next person to be hauled over the coals in this fashion probably won't be a nasty racist, he may even be black, and then we will see the usual suspects chanting the same mantra, but by then it will be too late.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Liberals & Socialists Don't Care About White Victims of Racial Attacks or Black Victims of Gangstas

Richard Everitt;
Here is a post which I found on the Final Conflict blog, which I think is worth reposting here. Hat tip to Final Conflict.

So two men have been found guilty of the murder of Stephen Lawrence. Did they do it? I don't know. What I do know is that it would be almost impossible for them to get a "fair trial" given the trial by jury over the years. But leaving that and the huge police operation to spy on them detailed in some of  today's media, the chief victim in all of this, is English justice.

Double jeopardy is a long-established part of the justice system. Or rather it was. The idea was that it stopped a person being tried again and again for the same crime. I like to think of its overturning as the "EU approach" - i.e. if the system doesn't get the result it thinks is right, it goes for trial again, and again... until it gets the result it wants.

This could lead to someone whom the system opposes being tried over and over and over. The English were sensible enough to know that this could lead to tyranny and victimisation. Dumbed down by Eastenders and Fleet Street editorials, the establishment has now destroyed hundreds of years of protection from tyranny.

Dobson was previously tried and the chief witness's evidence collapsed and it was found to be so unreliable.

I do not know if the two men are murderers, but English justice has been hacked to bits. Close on a thousand years of rights and defences against tyranny have been discarded on the say-so of a team who put together the MacPherson Report (MR) - and listening to them in the media, they are the usual White-guilt, White-flight liberals and rich idiots who have probably never lived on a mixed-race estate and who always rip apart our traditions to "make things better."

When overwhelmingly coloured (Ooops, they don't like that term, I'd better say COLOURED) rioters took to the streets of London one of the MR bods wept how blacks were still being mistreated by the police. That's how these idiots work. Criminals riot and it's "oooh. poor criminals." Muggings go on, shootings go on, knifings go on.

Bizarrely enough quite a few of the people killed by black knife and gun carrying hoodlums (as well as the white victims of racist attacks, few of whose names are known by Lord Liberalpants or Quentin Whiteguilt QC) are themselves blacks.

Many blacks in London cry out for help when their sons and brothers are killed by "gangstas" and want the police to act against the "gangstas" yet when they do the white liberals and black political agitators stir it up by calling stop and search a 'racist' modus operandi.

How else do they expect the knives and guns to be taken off the streets? Do they think the "gangstas" will voluntarily hand over their weapons and stop carrying out racial attacks, or murdering black kids, or pushing drugs, or mugging the innocent?

More innocent black teens have been murdered in London by black "gangstas" than by "white racist gangs" yet where are the political agitators, socialist rent-a-mobs and white-flight liberals, Lords and QCs demanding action against the "gangstas?" Is it cos they is black?

Yet if we wonder at these peoples' kid-glove treatment of the gangs that commit the vast majority of gun and knife crime across London (not to mention sell the drugs that create so much misery and cause so much crime, e.g. robbery and muggings), we should be dumbstruck at their treatment of the White victims of racial attacks by coloureds.

They quite frankly do not care. They do not even know their names. Nor the numbers of Whites murdered by non-Whites. Nor the fact that many/most of these crimes are not treated as racial attacks. Nor the fact (see link below) that most victims of racial attacks are WHITE.

As a test I went onto Twitter yesterday and sought out a suitable twit. There was one, a tweet sent between two users, one with 'socialist' in his user-name, twittering about the terrible murder of Stephen Lawrence and hurrah for the guilty verdict.

I asked the sender what about the White victims of racial attacks. despite stating that they campaign on all victims of racial attacks, @markwrightuk88 ("Socialist Party member") could not name a single, solitary White victim of a racial attack, let alone one that he (in all his hideous whiteness) had campaigned for justice for, or campaigned against the coloured criminal murderers.

And that speaks volumes. That is the reality on da streets innit.

Most race attack victims `are white'


 Yet again, the Labour MP is in another race row, this time for racist remarks she made on the Social Networking website, Twitter. Diane Abbot, a black Labour MP, shadow minister, UAF (the anti- fascist yet extremely fascist organisation) supporter and general ignorant idiot; tweeted that “white people love to play divide and rule.” The Tweek, which remained up even though there was public outcry, was only taken down by Mrs Abbot when she got a telling off from Mr Miliband, the LIEbour Party leader.

MP's and commentators alike have called for her resignation or for Mr Miliband to grow a back bone and give her the sack Also people who use twitter, facebook and other social networking sites, have also been outraged by here racist remarks.

After she eventually deleted the anti-white tweet, she meekly apologised and then tried to claim that it was us who was taking the tweet out of context, citing that “19th century European Colonial Rule” was the reason behind her comments. Now, call me cynical or whatever, but I somehow see a lack of sincerity to her apology. But, since the we somehow lost the true meaning in which she meant her remarks, lets have a look in what context they were in shall we.

It was all apart of a conversation with a freelance Journalist, Bim Adewunmi, on Twitter, about the highly politicised case of Stephan Lawrance. Mrs Adewunmi initially wrote “ I do wish everyone would stop saying “black community” though. WHICH ONE?” After re-reading what she wrote, then clarified what she meant by saying: “I hate the generally lazy thinking behind the term. Same for “black community leaders””.

Mrs Abbot responded to this by suggesting she was playing a “divide and rule” agenda perpetrated by white people.

All I can say here folks is, if she was white and said that black people had a “divide and rule” agenda, then at the very least she would have been fired, media would of assassinated her personality and made her out to the most evil women to ever walk the face of the earth; and more likely would be that she would face criminal prosecution under Sections 17 to 29 of the Public Order Act 1986.

What I am trying to say folks is, if we compare what is happening with Diana - a little slap on the wrist, with a stern “NO, NAUGHTY!” from Labour HQ – to a pair of footballers who got in a world of trouble after so called racist remarks against black people, one of whom is now facing a police investigation!
This is the racial double standard that exists in our PC Nation. Consider this: How many people from minority groups get prosecuted or persecuted for racist comments against white people? To the best of my knowledge, NONE!!!

Before you make the assumption that this is an isolated incident from Mrs Abbot, let me point out that Mrs Abbot has a long history of anti-white racism. Let me just point some of these out to you:

  • Positioning herself as a anti-racist campaigner, she ignorantly claimed that “Britain invented racism” and suggested that only whites could be racist.
  • In 2010, on BBC's This Week, during a discussion about her decision to send her son James to a private school, she said “West Indian mums will go to the wall for their children.” to which Mr Neil rightly responded by asking: “So black mums love their kids more than white mums, do they?” Mrs Abbot refused to answer that question.
  • In the same year, she branded David Cameron and Nick Glegg as “two posh white boys.” Now, as true as that might be, I am pretty sure that if a white person made a similar comment about black people on national TV, the media would be screaming out for his blood.
  • She also kicked up a stir when she suggested that the “blonde blue eyed Finnish girls” working in her hospital were unsuitable as nurses because they had “never met a black person before.” What a strange requirement for a job; so you can only be good at certain types of jobs if you have met black people before? Got to tell you, that’s a new one on me!
Its long overdue that people realised that you don’t have to be white to be a racist, and there us no doubt in my mind that Mrs Abbot holds anti-white views and is a racist. I truly hope that the white people of her constituency, which amounts to 61 per cent of those who she is meant to represent, see sense and never vote this anti-white idiot back in again.

Thursday, 5 January 2012


A campaign to Boycott Tesco has been successful. After news that Tesco was dropping sponsorship of events held by a Cancer charity, and where instead to sponsor the sodomite and morally corrupt London “Pride” (using the word “Pride” very loosely). However, has now backed down from the on going sponsorship of the degenerate march.

The hatred that Tesco's big bosses feel toward the morally uncorrupted folk was clear when their R&D boss made anti-Christian comments, and ignorantly claimed that Christians who oppose “homosexual marriage” were extremists. Claiming they are extremists? How do they work that one out? For merely following the Christian doctrine as it was meant! Unlike the current breed of new age Christians, who seem to think if they ignore certain passages in the bible, then they will go away.

But none the less, it is great news that Tesco have backed down, but don't let this victory soften our opposition to Tesco's support for the bank rolled degenerate minority. We have to continue the Boycott well into 2012.

Us, the ones who are not blinded by the Zionist PC agenda forced on us through the mass media and educational systems, know they should pull the plug on the Gay-Fest, but they still choose to stick firm to the degeneracy. For that reason, tell your friends and family to boycott them, and send a email of complaint explaining why they shall no longer receive any of your custom.


New figures have been released which show that a mere one in five pupils were entered for GCSE exams in traditional academic subjects, in an attempt to obscure the poor performance of schools, under the Labour government.

In some areas, only 3 per cent of pupils were given the opportunity to study the core academic subjects of English, maths, two sciences, a language or history or geography.

None of us could, with a honest heart, claim that we believed a word LIEbour spilled to the public, but Tony's “EDUCATION, EDUCATION, EDUCATION” rant went down a storm with many, but yet again, this has been revealed to be yet another one of Labour's scandals.

The truth behind Labour's rhetoric is that the number of pupils entering academic core exams fell dramatically from 50 per cent in 1997 to a dismal 22 per cent in 2010, and only 16.5 per cent of those who took the exams in England achieved good grades of C or above. One of the worst hit areas under Labour is Knowsley, where just three per cent of pupils achieved good results in traditional subjects, and that folks, is a eye watering 107 children.

In almost every aspect, Labour and Conservative governments have dismantled this nation, and this just proves that the liberal policies have dumbed down our educational system. In nearly every other developed nation, they assess children in a big range of core academic subjects, even if the pupil has decided not to take a vocational route. For example, in France all children take the “ Brevet des Colleges”, which assesses French, Maths, a modern foreign language, and one of either history, geography or civics.

But Labour, in all their half baked wisdom, gave non-academic qualifications, which forced the damaging collapse in the amount of children taking important subjects as schools pushed weaker pupils into other areas, so as to improve their league table performance. Plus, on top of this, some students in certain subjects, I.T for example, are only permitted to gain a maximum level grade of C or D because of the class sets they were put in at the age of 14. This means, their maximum level of achievement is pre-determined BEFORE they even begin learning the subject. NOW, on what planet is that deemed a good education; where no matter how hard you work in the two years, your grades are already set.

Our youth have been betrayed. While children in wealthy areas sat their exams, children from deprived, poorer areas were robbed of the opportunities, and steered away from subjects that employers value most.

The young unemployed are the victims of the UN-educational system. Will the LIB-CON coalition give our youth more chance to succeed? With the ever increasing cuts in vital services, and the lack of action in this direction by Dave and his cronies, then I would have to say NO!

Here at the NF, we want what’s best for our youth. We need to get back to basic values and give young people a chance in a very competitive world.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012


May this young man rest in peace.

The media and politicians may have forgotten you. But us Nationalists will never forget you or the the terrible crime that was committed. We shall always keep your memory alive, the mainstream may want to sweep your memory under their carpet because a white boy being murdered by Cultural Enricher’s doesn’t fit their agenda, but we shall not allow that to happen.



2012 is now upon us, and after the Christmas break, and celebrations; the Christmas decorations being packed away up in the loft for another 12 months, and its back to work, and for us here at the National Front, we are going to be creaking on with the much needed work of reinvigorating the Nationalist movement in this area.

With this said, I will be ordering leaflets in the next week or so, I am also going to be attending local parish and council meetings and am working on the possibility of a quarterly Newsletter for Norwich residents. With the Christmas rush out of the way, I shall be able to post on here more frequently, and inform you of what we have achieved and what news pieces have occurred which we think is worth a comment from us.

The National Front are on the up, and we shall once again have a presence in this area. We need all the help we can get from you, the general public, who are the life force of the NF. So please feel free to contact us at the numbers or email addresses to the right of this article, or visit