Wednesday 7 December 2011


Hello and welcome to the website of the East Anglia National Front. This site has been set up with one purpose in mind, and thats to give this Regions NF unit a internet presence and to give the White patriots of our region a voice.

I am pretty sure that as our presence, both on the internet and also on the streets, our political opponents with brandish us with slurs and names to try and discourage the average Joe from seeing the National Front as a viable alternative. We are called racists and bigots merely because we oppose the current PC culture, because we wish to halt immigration because of its damaging effects both economically and on society as a whole. We are sick and tired of seeing our culture and traditions being crushed under a barrage of multiculturalism.

We here, at the National Front, want to see Britain being put first and see an end to the lunacy of “Positive discrimination”; we want to see an end to all unnecessary imports, so that British goods are made in British factories by British Workers; we want to give help to poor working class families who have been neglected by the system, and left to rot on benefits, while cheap foreign labour take the jobs that the average Brit is crying out for... plus many other policies that are aimed at helping the British people out of this hell hole that Lib-Lab-Con have created with their half baked and unworkable polices.

We are looking forward to activity across the region, including leafleting, meetings, ect and will be kicking the New Year off with a positive attitude and with the view and giving the British People in this area a voice.

I will be updating this website as much as possible, with news, views and reports on activities.

East Anglia National Front

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