Monday, 21 May 2012

Imploding NHS Holds Pink Week-- And YOU Foot The Bill

During these trying times-poverty lurking around every corner and public services straining at the seams from endless cuts- you would hope that the Cultural Marxist agenda would be put on the back burner. But by god fellow countrymen, you couldn't be more wrong.

With the NHS in utter turmoil, job loses left right and centre, the Royal College of Nursing warning of as many as 5,700 nursing posts being lost since 2010, and the NHS attempting to make £20 BILLION in efficiency savings, you would of thought NHS bosses would have had more pressing issues on their minds than promoting the homosexual/transgender agenda.

NHS Employers, a rather shady organisation within the NHS, have organised the first (hopefully the last) “NHS Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Week”, which will run this week across the country. The great thing about this beautifully pointless event is that the organisations are unsure (or unwilling to disclose?!) how much of tax payers money is being spent on this farce.

So, this week, instead of doing the jobs we pay them to do, hundreds of managers and front line workers from across the country will attend conferences and workshops on equality and diversity, which has been estimated to cost up to £199 per head, which is before you factor in any other costs.

On top of this, individual NHS trusts are holding their own events this week. For instance, NHS Rotherham are hosting an exhibition celebrating the lives of transgender staff and patients, with visitors being promised “inspiring images” (Oh ain't they so lucky?!) .

Andrew Lansley
Rather than being “enlightening and inspiring” as the organisers are claiming this event to be, it should make any decent thinking Briton's blood to boil. With the NHS imploding, with patients waiting for life saving treatment for months on end, the bosses are too busy wasting NHS money on pointless “equality” exercises.

In November, Andrew Lansley, the Health Secretary, said the leaders of the health service had a responsibility to taxpayers “to make sure that every pound of NHS money is spent as effectively as possible to deliver the best possible care.” More lies from the Lib-CON coalition. We are fronting the bill to propagate their agenda, while patients care suffers.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

they should have spent the cash employing some nurses and doctors who speak bloody english first