The National Front in your area will be making moves to increase our numbers, and support base in the New Year, with various plans to leaflet and hold Meetings, and also a bi-monthly newsletter for residents of the Norwich area.
2012 is just around the corner, and people are coming out with some wacky theories about the end of days ect for the coming New Year; now, I got to admit that's not what I believe. However, apart from the increase in economic hardship for us Brits, the only thing I can predict for next year is that the National Front will be taking the area by storm, and will be campaigning for the interests of the people of Norfolk, to ensure that we all get a good deal.
The National Front are not political opportunists, or career politicians; we are not funded by big business or multi-national corporations and tied down by financial pressure for certain policies like the corrupt Lib-Lab-CON. We are a party of the people for the people. We exist simply because we don’t want to witness our nation to be dismantled by greedy politicians, media moguls and their ilk. We are average people, with the same aspirations as you. To make Britain great one again, to secure its culture and heritage, and we want its native people to thrive instead of being beat down by a constant Political Correctness and positive discrimination.
I hope to see you all in the New Year for the mass of activities which are planned.
Until then: